Regular Services During Lent
8:00 am Said Mass
from the traditional Book of Common Prayer
10:30 am Sung Mass
with sermon and Diddy Disciples for children 0-6 yrs on dates advertised
5:00 pm Evening Prayer
on the first Sunday of each month
8:30 am Morning Prayer
daily prayers and a reading from the Bible. Lasts about 20 minutes.
12:00 pm Stations of the Cross (Fridays from 7 March)
a walk around church, following Jesus’ journey to the cross.
12:30 pm Said Mass
daily prayers, readings and Holy Communion. Lasts about 20 minutes.
5:30 pm Evening Prayer (Not Fridays)
daily prayers and a reading from the Bible. Lasts about 20 minutes.
Special Dates to Note
Shrove Tuesday (4 March)
12:30 pm Said Mass
To prepare for Lent, after Mass we burn last year's Palm Crosses to make the ash for Ash Wednesday, and then have pancakes in the Pimlico Room
Ash Wednesday (5 March)
12:30 pm Said Mass with imposition of ashes
7:00 pm Sung Mass with imposition of ashes
Mothering Sunday (30 March)
8:00 am Said Mass (BCP)
10:30 am Sung Mass with blessing and distribution of spring flowers
Palm Sunday (13 April)
8:00 am Said Mass (BCP)
10:30 am Sung Mass with the outdoor Blessing of Palms and Procession
5:00 pm Service of Wholeness and Healing
Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week (14, 15, 16 April)
8:30 am Morning Prayer
12:30 pm Said Mass
6:30 pm Stations of the Cross
7:00 pm Said Mass
Maundy Thursday (17 April)
7:00 pm Sung Mass - with foot washing, procession of the Blessed Sacrament to
the Altar of Repose, and Vigil until midnight
Good Friday (18 April)
2:30 pm Silent Prayer
3:00 pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion - with Veneration of the Cross and Communion followed by hot cross buns in the Church Hall
Easter Sunday (20 April)
5:30 am Lighting of Easter fire, Dawn Vigil and First Mass of Easter
followed by breakfast in the Church Hall
10:30 am Easter Day Sung Mass and Baptisms
5:00 pm Choral Evensong & Benediction