Digital Forms
To assist with us meeting our Data Protection requirements & reduce unnecessary administration, St Saviour's has moved away from completing paper forms, to online digital submissions for a number of forms used by the congregation.

Gift Aid means that, for every £1 you donate to St Saviour's, we can claim an extra 25p making your donation worth £1.25. This is at no extra cost to you, but we need a form from you in order to make that claim.

The church electoral roll is like a membership list of people who come to St Saviour's. The roll is currently closed to applications and will reopen shortly.

If you would like to support St Saviour's by setting up a standing order for regular giving, you can inform us that you have done so by filling out the standing order form.

The General Data Protection Regulation 2018 is important law which protects your privacy and also helps us know how best, and when, to communicate with you.

Sometimes we have photography in church to capture special services and events, and we often like to use those photos in our communications. Filling out this form lets us know you're happy to be in those pictures.